Invited Speakers
Day 1: Early career researcher talks

The first day program will be announced on September 

Day 2: PI Talks and discussions with early career researchers



Theory and simulation

Claudia Draxl

Humboldt University (Germany)

Shixuan Du 

Institute of Physics CAS (China)

Sheng Meng

Institute of Physics CAS (China)

Matthias Scheffler 

Fritz Haber Institute (Germany)

Optical, scanning probe and electron microscopy 

Benedikt Haas

Humboldt University (Germany)

Jürgen Rabe 

Humboldt University (Germany)

Tim Schröder

Humboldt University (Germany)

Jiandi Zhang

Institute of Physics CAS (China)

Shuheng Pan

Institute of Physics CAS (China)

Jiandong Guo

Institute of Physics CAS (China)

Dong Su Institute of Physics CAS (China)
Huaixin Yang Institute of Physics CAS (China)
Zhen Chen
Institute of Physics CAS (China)
Zhen-chao Dong University of Science and Technology CAS (China)
Ying Jiang  Peking University (China)
